Kareena Kapoor will promote Karan Johar’s next movie We Are Family as Kajol will not be available for the same. Well, there is nothing fishy about this piece of news. It is only because Kajol is expecting her second baby and she cannot tour the country during that time.
We Are Family is the Bollywood remake of a 1998 Hollywood movie titled Stepmom, which starred Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon and Ed Harris.
The Kareena and Kajol starrer movie is scheduled to hit the screens during Eid in this September. Owing to unavailability of Kajol for the promotions, UTV and Dharma Productions have planned to take Kareena to several city tours to promote the film. Bebo is also very much comfortable with this as she says the project is very close to her heart. Kareena has given a bulk of dates to Karan for the promotion of We Are Family.
According to a source, “As Kajol is expecting, it will be very unfair to ask her to travel all around the country to promote the film. Kareena has confirmed her availability to Karan for the promotional activities”.
Now, it is the sole responsibility of Kareena to charm the audience and the press and earn the limelight. Well, we hope Kareena can fill up the gap of Kajol during the promotions.
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